Traffic Barricade offers an extensive range of services.
Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTMP)
Temporary traffic management plans (TTMPs) and permit applications with all the necessary approval for street/road closures, roadworks zones and for freeway, bridge or road construction projects.
Traffic Accommodation
Flagging operations on construction sites during freeway, road or bridge construction and other roadworks projects.
Road Safety Audit
- The Road Safety review and audit are carried out in accordance with industry best-practice, SANRAL design policies and guidelines and The South African Road Safety Audit Manual (2nd Edition, May 2012).
- Road Safety Audit is an emotive subject to many people. The far-reaching impacts on families and communities of people killed or injured on our roads cause a long-term suffering, life changing circumstances and economic loss.
- Provision of the Road Safety Audit Team Leader and Team Members who are responsible for the compilation of Audit Brief / Audit Report in line with the South African Road Safety Strategy 2016.
- Traffic Barricade’s methodology is clearly outline, more elaborative and more specific. Freeway / road and adverse weather conditions, vehicle malefaction or driver error all play a part in road accident. The Road Safety Audit (RSA) process is one of many measures introduced to prevent collisions by encouraging safe freeway or road design and making the freeways or roads a safer environment for all road users.
- Commencement Meeting, Information Review and Site Inspection – these processes are conducted by the Audit Team Leader and it include the Head of Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA) or his / her duly appointed representative.
- Monthly progress meetings are carried out including stakeholder engagements. Information from the stakeholder engagements is utmost of importance and considered when carrying out the road safety audit and when developing mitigation measures.
- Compilation of the Road Safety Audit Report and Audit Brief – this report is compiled by the Audit Team Leader. and it describe the background information, report on the findings of the road safety audit and make recommendations to mitigate the identified safety deficiencies as outlined in the South African Road Safety Audit Manual –RTMC (May 2012).
- Risk Assessment and Presentation of Key Findings – The Audit Team Leader in conjunction with the Audit Team Members undertake the risk assessment of safety concerns and to present the key findings to the ETA in order to determine a course of action.
- The benefits of Road Safety Audit include:
- Identifying any potential road safety related problems with the design and its interface with the surrounding freeway or road network.
- Considering the safety impacts of the scheme proposals on all likely road users.
- Giving the designer the opportunity to eliminate or mitigate against any potential road safety problems.
- Reducing potential for collisions occurring as a result of a proposed freeway or road scheme / mprovement.
- Potentially reducing delay in project approvals.
- Potentially reducing the cost of design and on-site improvements.
- The scope of a Road Safety Audit can be widened as part of our quality audit process and can include but not limited to the following:
- Road Safety Audit.
- Non-Motorised User Audit.
- Access Audit
- Community Street Audit.
- Cycle Audit.
- Traffic Barricade safety experts are passionate about sharing the practical experience gained through delivering many Road Safety Audits and Public Safety, Road Safety & Traffic Safety related projects. We are involved in a number of infrastructure / road construction projects across South Africa and within Southern Africa, encouraging road and public safety throughout and all the project assignments.
Roadside Traffic Safety Equipment/Road Furniture
Temporary traffic control devices and placement, re-erecting and removal or relocation services on rural or urban roadworks zones and during road, freeway or bridge construction.
Traffic Barricade offers once-off purchase or rental options for the following roadside traffic safety equipment / road furniture:
- Variable message signboards (VMS)
- Moveable STOP/GO Trolley On Castor Wheels
- Traffic control huts/units
- Truck-mounted attenuators (TMA)
- Movable Yellow Plastic Barriers (New Jersey Type)
- Movable Stop Barrier (MSB)
- Solar Powered Lane Closing Arrow on trailer
- Tornado single or double-sided reboundable delineators (yellow, black or reflective)
- Normal single or double-sided delineators.
- Traffic Cones With Reflective Sleeves
- Solar Powered Illuminated Flashing Arrow Signs (IFAS) mounted on stand.
- Solar Powered Temporary RED/GREEN Traffic Lights / Robots (manual or programme operated).
- Rechargeable LED Emergency Flashing Flare / Amber Flashing Lights / Amber Flicker Lights (colours: amber, blue, green, red, white or yellow)
- Solar Powered LED Flashing Illuminated Arrow Boards mounted on stand.
- Solar Powered or Rechargeable Signal LED Traffic Wands / Strobes / Batons (flashing red / green).
Wayleave Applications and Permits for Road/Street Closures
Fibre optics, GSM or any form of telecommunications that needs a wayleave application. Roads and stormwater, electrical, water and sanitation networks wayleave applications can be managed by Traffic Barricade from the design stage to construction. Traffic Barricade will also get all the necessary approval from any local, provincial and national authority.
- Flagging operations and procedures for flag personnel.
- STOP/GO Operators and Two-way radio operators skills transfer training and procedures.
- Road traffic signs maintenance and management training programme for flag personnel.
- Road and traffic safety awareness educational programmes, and road safety education talks and workshops are offered to various schools and communities within South Africa. Traffic Barricade also disseminates road safety information to the general public and road users.
Events Management
Street/road closures and temporary traffic control (TTC) for special or major events such as public events, inauguration days, parades, races, shows, major sporting events, street festivals, television, filming or music events, public marches or demonstrations, and national commemoration days in major towns, provincial towns and national cities.
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Company Affiliations
Traffic Barricade has affiliated / registered and a member of the following affiliates / boards: