Traffic Barricade (Pty) Ltd

Reg. Number: 2013/014900/07

B-BBEE Status Level: Level 1

VAT Reg. Number: 4470275522

Income Tax Number: 9499029172

CIDB CRS Number: 10012881

CIDB Grading Level: 6CE & 5SK

SAFCEC Membership Number: 39729155

SARF Membership Number: T109

BCCEI  Membership Number: BC7490796242

Get in Touch

Traffic Barricade has regional offices across all provinces. We render national and provincial services to our clients within South Africa.

In addition, the company sets up satellite site offices across the country, where various projects are carried out.

    Company Affiliations

    Traffic Barricade has affiliated / registered and a member of the following affiliates / boards: